
(Greek: a suffix; pertaining to; of the nature of, like; in chemistry, it denotes a higher valence of the element than is expressed by -ous)

architectonic (adjective), more architectonic, most architectonic
Of or pertaining to architecture; suited or serviceable for the construction of buildings: The architectonic quality of the design of the house was perfected and was gratefully accepted by the future owners.
arctic air
An air mass, cold aloft and extending to great heights, whose characteristics develop mostly in winter over arctic surfaces of ice and snow.
arctic mist
A light ice fog that appears as a mist of ice crystals.
1. Of or pertaining to hydrometry (determination of a fluid's specific grqavity by using an aerometer or hydrometer).
argentic (adjective), more argentic, most argentic
A reference to that which contains a certain precious and bright metallic substance.
argillic (adjective) (not comparable)
In geology, relating to, containing, composed of, or characteristic of clay: The pottery at the antique store seemed to be made of an argillic substance.
Lacking a steady rhythm; such as, an arrhythmic heartbeat.
aromatic (adjective)
1. Having a noticeable and pleasant smell: "While she was cooking, she added some aromatic herbs into her stew."
2. Having an agreeable, somewhat pungent, spicy odor: "Her stews usually have aromatic flavors."
Information is located at Chemical Element: arsenic.
arthritic (adjective), more arthritic, most arthritic
Having or exhibiting the characteristics of inflammation or painfulness between bone connections brought about by injury, infection, etc.: Jillian's mother had an arthritic condition that limited her ability to play the piano because the areas between the bones in her fingers were too painful.